Statistical portrait of workers in the paper and cardboard industry

The Dares publishes a portrait of skilled workers in the heavy wood and paper-cardboard industries.

In April 2021, the Dares (statistical studies of the Ministry of Labor) published the "statistical portraits of the euro occupations". After a first article devoted to "euro workers in the graphic arts industries", we report the results of this study for the occupational family of "skilled euro workers in the heavy wood and paper and cardboard industries".

This trade category includes wood panel production facility operator, paper or board manufacturing equipment operator, and pulp facility operator.

Decrease in the number of workers

Between 2003-2005 and 2017-2019, the number of skilled workers in the heavy wood and paperboard manufacturing industries declined by 50 percent, or an average of 4.9 percent per year, Dares reports.

Regarding the age of workers in this sector, the largest proportion (37%) is between 30 and 39 years old. Women represent 22% of skilled workers in 2018, a proportion that has increased in recent years since they were only 1% in 2013.

In 2017-2019, 53% of skilled workers in the heavy wood and paperboard manufacturing industries have a CAP, BEP or equivalent diploma, the study states.

Wages and working hours

Dares reports that in 2017-2019, 2% of employees report earning less than 1euros250 euros net per month and 38% report earning more than 3euros000 euros. The median net full-time salary is 1euros893 euros per month. 20% of people report working full-time for more than 40 hours a week, and 8% work part-time, of which 1% are underemployed.

Tensions in recruitment

Of those in this occupation, 95% work in the woodworking, paper and printing industry. The Dares emphasizes that at the national level, the tension and recruitment difficulties in 2019 among skilled workers in the heavy woodworking and paper and cardboard manufacturing industries are very strong.

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