Oxy Signalétique uses its know-how in the fight against the epidemic

Spray cap designed by Oxy

The company specialising in marking and signage based in Aubagne now devotes part of its activity to the production of protection solutions.

Oxy Signalétique puts its know-how at the service of the fight against the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic. The company specialising in marking and signage based in Aubagne (13) now devotes part of its activity to the production of protection solutions.

During the first week of containment, Oxy delivered nearly 800 plexi countertop covers to Biogroup medical analysis laboratories. Following this operation, the company was contacted by Ange bakeries.

Protective masks made in emergency situations

"?Tout begins Friday morning, March 20, employees at Ange bakeries are on the front line when it comes to the risk of transmission of the virus. The situation is critical, the means of protection are not operational, a solution must be found without delay. It is in these terms that Ange asks Oxy to imagine a means of protection in urgence?." explains Sebastien Trautmann, the director of Oxy, in a post published on the LinkedIn network.

The company Oxy, which has been a partner of Ange for several years, develops protective masks for bakery employees in an emergency. The masks were tested in the bakery the same day and the next day, 3,000 splash caps were delivered to the 155 Ange bakeries in France, says Sébastien Trautmann.

Oxysignétique has now put a website online for its protection offer. You will find plexi counters in different formats as well as customizable models of anti-projection caps.

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