Coca-Cola changes its look

The new packaging is simplified with a logo placed on top of the products or labels.

The Coca-Cola Company has announced a new visual identity for its Coca-Cola brand, which includes Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero Sugar and Diet Coke. This is the first change since the launch in 2016 of the strategy to standardize the graphic charts of Coca-Cola products .

These new looks retain the brand's universally recognized red color, but are "simplified". L he red circle is removed. And the Coca-Cola logo is off center, is placed "proudly" at the top of the label on plastic bottles and cans, describes The Coca-Cola Company.

The original Coca-Cola sweetened drink is presented in a red packaging associated with the white spencerian writing. The Coca Zero Sugar is represented by a red label with black typography. The caps of the Coca Zero Sugar bottles are also black.
And Diet Coke soda has a silver background and a red logo.

"The goal is to provide a simple and intuitive navigation system that addresses all variants of Coca-Cola." says the American giant.

The new design will first be applied to Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, which is also changing its recipe, and will then be rolled out globally throughout 2021.

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