Portrait / Meeting with Romain Maudet, graphic designer inspired by fishing

© Romain Maudet

Design is omnipresent in our lives and the fishing industry is no exception. Behind each packaging or logo is a designer. To learn more about this profession, we met Romain Maudet.

Hi Romain, can you explain us, in a few words, what is your activity ?

Romain Maudet - Hi, my work allows me to give life to the ideas or projects of my clients. I create the visual identity of a person, a brand or even a company.

Logo réalisé par © Romain Maudet
Romain Maudet

I am also solicited to realize photos (catalogs, product presentations, various shootings) or to film and realize video editing for YouTube.

How did you become a graphic designer?

Romain Maudet - I started freelancing after deciding to quit my job as a pastry chef,in 2019. I always wanted to be in the graphic design world. When I was younger, I wanted to be a car designer, so I worked a lot on my car sketches, to get something that suited me, but, I was never 100% satisfied. Each drawing was thrown away, I regret it today, because I only have a few pieces of drawings left on white sheets..

I worked on my sketches from the time I was a child until I was 14/15 years old (end of 4th grade). I had made a complete file to enter the school of fine arts. But, following a training course "coup de coeur" for the profession of pastry cook, I decided to throw myself into this work thoroughly, leaving a little the drawing aside..

For the connoisseurs, I have done CAP, complementary mention confectionery/chocolatery and BTM. Finally, I was the head of the pastry department of a bakery and a jury for the practical exams. I did a total of 5 years of studies + 5 years as a worker.

But after being fed up, I dropped everything to go back to my first desires! Without knowing where I was going... A bit unconscious by the way.

How did you come to specialize in the fishing industry?

Romain Maudet - I am passionate about the world of fishing, so after taking up drawing and graphic work, I naturally turned to this world. Moreover, the image of the fisherman is not modern, not classy ... It is a challenge, every day, to make our passion cooler.

For what type of projects are you most often solicited?

Romain Maudet - I am enormously contacted for illustrations or mascot logos. But it happens more and more to me to have requests for the Logos of company, animations, posters, PLV, catalogs...

© Romain Maudet
Romain Maudet

Who uses your services?

Romain Maudet - Everyone. Professionals as well as individuals and the crazy thing is that they come from everywhere... France, Italy, Germany, USA... It's crazy!

If you had to tell us about a design you particularly enjoyed working on, what would it be and why?

Romain Maudet - This illustration was created for an association, based in the USA, that helps people with autism. It's a really cool project, full of details.

© Romain Maudet
Romain Maudet

We have 3 bass in the background, each one looking in a different way. They are accompanied by several bass totally black, which symbolizes the lack of interest in the situation. In the foreground, the bass with autism, we recognize him thanks to his lateral line which is replaced by colored puzzles (green, blue, red and yellow). This puzzle, composed of 4 colors, is the symbol of autism in the world. And lastly, the sentence that means a lot of things! It is translated like this: Why fit in when you were born to stand out.

You master the drawing on computer, do you use other means of expression? (painting, drawing, photography...)

Romain Maudet - I am passionate about photography, I love to create a mood, capture a moment, look for the perfect composition... And, photography/video is a really great way to express yourself.

© Romain Maudet
Romain Maudet

Instagram is where I share all my photos and videos with you. Maybe one day I will take the time to open a YouTube channel.

© Romain Maudet
Romain Maudet

I also work for a few brands that I provide with photos and soon with videos.

© Romain Maudet
Romain Maudet

I work with a Sony A 7 III, for the curious.

Do you have a project that you would like to be asked to do? What would be your dream?

Eventually, I would like to be asked for video and photo projects more regularly. For the graphic part, I am already solicited for many projects, I am really happy. I don't really have a dream in particular except to be able to live from my passion as long as possible...

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