The 27th issue of #Cnap's free magazine looks at graphic design in society

Published in 10,000 copies and available in PDF format, this 100-page magazine shares the expertise of design professionals on the functioning and place of graphic design in society.

The new edition of the annual magazine Graphic design in France is now available. Published for 27 years by the Centre national des arts plastiques (CNAP), this magazine is aimed at graphic designers, art students and sponsors. This latest issue is dedicated to the place and role of graphic design in society.

"Forms, images, signs build and structure our daily life, our imagination and forge our critical sense . How does graphic design contribute to more cohesion, understanding and balance in the society we live in? asks CNAP. How does it allow us to better circulate, to better educate, to better understand, to better interact? How does it allow us to beautify and make the environment in which we live richer, more respectful, more interestingos?"

To answer these questions, three design professionals share their expertise and point of view: Mac Bruinsma, Dutch art and design critic, Élodie Boyer, founder of Éditions Non Standard and of a creative and brand consulting agency, and Eloisa Pérez, graphic designer, typographer and teacher.

As every year, the layout of Graphic design in France is designed by recently graduated graphic designers. For this 27th edition of a hundred pages, the graphic design was entrusted to Marion Caron and Camille Trimardeau, founders of Studio Béton based in Montreuil and graduates of the École supérieure d'art et design du Havre.

Graphic design in France is published at 10euros000 copies. Free of charge, the magazine is available throughout the French cultural network, including regional cultural affairs departments, regional contemporary art funds, art centers and art schools. It can also be downloaded from the Art Book Magazine application and the CNAP website.

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