Consumers' favorite packaging material? Paper!

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Paper is the resource considered better for the environment than glass, metal and plastic, according to the latest Two Sides survey. But less than 20% of those questioned were aware that the recycling rate for paper in Europe exceeds 70%.

Trend Tracker Survey 2023 is a survey carried out every two years in Europe by the paper advocacy organization Two Sides to better understand consumers' perceptions of print, paper, hygiene products and packaging made from paper and cardboard, and to track changes in their preferences. As far as packaging is concerned, the survey shows a clear preference for paper ahead of other materials.

Online shopping continues to grow and the results of Trend Tracker Survey 2023 attest to consumers' real awareness of the environmental impact of packaging. And paper is the most popular: 76% of those questioned found it compostable at home, 55% better for the environment and 53% lighter.
However, the study shows that only 18% of people are aware that the paper recycling rate in Europe exceeds 70%.

Reducing waste and developing an increasingly sustainable economy are now on the minds of consumers, businesses and governments alike. Non-recyclable single-use packaging is no longer welcome.

In 2023, as in 2021, the respondents believe that individuals, governments and local authorities should take responsibility for reducing the use of packaging. But the situation has changed.
For 39% of those surveyed, governments and local authorities are now considered the most responsible, compared with 19% in 2021. In 2021, consumers were seen by 33% as the main players in this change, compared to 19% in 2023.

"Consumers are aware of the impacts packaging has on our planet and are increasingly demanding that governments, brands and retailers do more to ensure packaging is largely recyclable." indicates Two Sides.

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