A tool to calculate the carbon impact of print and digital magazines

This is the commitment of the Syndicat des éditeurs de la Presse Magazine.

The Syndicat des éditeurs de la Presse Magazine is committed to the creation of an eco-simulator for the magazine press.

"SEPM is committed to providing a tool for calculating the carbon impact of magazine publications, in print and digital. This new tool will be made available to the union's publishers and could be a lever for improving practices and informing readers said the union in a statement.

Press publishers are thus affirming their desire to accelerate the transformation of industrial and eco-design practices in magazine production.

"Paper is sometimes unfairly blamed on digital technology"

Still in the context of digital and ecological transition, SEPM calls for the organization of a General Assembly of the graphic industry. "At a time when paper is sometimes unfairly questioned in favor of digital, SEPM is calling for a general meeting of the industry that will allow an inventory of practices and a collective reflection of all stakeholders.»

The objective is to identify areas for improvement and to extend virtuous practices to all manufacturers.

Several changes to come in 2022 and 2023

Changes in regulations, particularly for environmental reasons, are expected in the coming years, Idep recalled in its latest annual report (November 2020) on the graphic communications markets. Among these changes, the prohibition in 2022 of the plastic film for the routing of magazines and the definitive prohibition in 2023 of mineral oils in the printing inks.

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