Konica Minolta's showroom (78) with the Imprim'Vert label

Digital Imaging Square

This 1000m2 demonstration centre complies with the five environmental criteria of the specifications, and more!

Konica Minolta's European showroom at the French subsidiary's headquarters in Carrières-sur-Seine, Yvelines, France, has been awarded the Imprim'Vert environmental label.

The Digital Imaging Square showroom showcases the latest technology from Konica Minolta and MGI through demonstrations, exhibitions and discussions with experts from both manufacturers.

The environmental label ensures that this 1000 m 2 complies with the five criteria of the Imprim'Vert brand: compliant disposal of hazardous waste, secure storage of hazardous liquids, non-use of toxic products, environmental awareness of employees and customers, and monitoring of the site's energy consumption.

"The labeling of the showroom is part of the eco-responsible approach taken in France, which aims to reduce the environmental impact of our printing presses." said Aymane Mabiala, sustainable development project manager of Konica Minolta Business Solutions France.

This also includes, in addition to Imprim'Vert's specifications, the dismantling and reuse of end-of-life equipment and waste. In addition, the Digital Imaging Square and Konica Minolta France's main branches are fully powered by a green power supply that has been in place since 2018.

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