File / Paper's resilience in the face of the digital revolution: focus on three key print sectors

In this dossier, the printer Léonce-Michel Deprez proposes a better understanding of the evolution of print and the upheavals that have marked and continue to mark its history.

New communication and information technologies have revolutionized the way human society communicates. The written word appeared very early in human civilization, and after clay tablets, stone, papyrus and parchment, paper has been the medium of choice since the appearance of paper mills in Fabriano, Italy, in the 13th century. The digital revolution has revolutionized the written word and its industrial reproduction.

In this three-part dossier, Léonce-Michel Deprez, who for many years ran the Deprez printing house in Pas-de-Calais, France, specializing in magazines, catalogs and flyers, shares his analysis of the evolution of three major sectors of the print market - real estate communication, advertising and books - and their strengths today in the face of digital.

Summary of the report

1 Real estate communication: digital transformation and the advantages of paper

Real estate communication: digital transformation and the advantages of paper

2 Digital and print advertising: challenges and prospects

Digital and print advertising: challenges and prospects

3 The book industry: the resilience of paper in the face of the digital revolution

The book industry: the resilience of paper in the face of the digital revolution

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