A new packaging in the pastry department

About 15 supermarkets are using this Dune packaging and are reporting up to a 30% increase in sales.

A small revolution is taking place in the pastry section of supermarkets: plastic packaging is disappearing to make way for paper solutions. At the beginning of the year, we presented the cardboard box of the manufacturer Gault & Frémont which replaces the crystal plastic boxes of pastries, here is now the packaging of Dune. Located in Saint-Priest near Lyon in the Rhône region, the company specializing in the manufacture of packaging and bread packaging machines offers a new solution for presenting and selling pastries.

"We designed a bag with 97% less plastic. The back side is made of 100% pure pulp paper, the front side is made of micro-perforated polypropylene to let the product breathe, explains Hervé Duffner, the CEO of Dune . Finally, it contains a 100% pure paste cardboard tray that can be used directly as a display on the table."

The transparent side allows the potential customer to appreciate the product because "we are on impulse purchases, we eat first with our eyes" .

The company has also developed a machine that packages and labels chocolate loaves, croissants, breads and other bakery products. "The time dedicated to these repetitive and laborious operations is reduced as well as the plastic", underlines Hervé Duffner.

The first new generation packaging was deployed last November in the Super U store in Lingolsheim in the Bas-Rhin region. With 450 trays sold per day, this change represents a reduction of four tons per year by this supermarket alone.

Since then, about 15 other supermarkets from different brands have adopted the Dune solution. And they are seeing up to a 30% increase in sales in the pastry department, according to Dune.

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