Ethap solidarity with white coats

With the communication agency Tigre Blanc, based in Douai, the Ethap printing company created a sticker to thank the white blouses.

The Ethap printing house works closely with hospitals. But beyond this professional relationship, the company has taken action to thank and support the nursing staff in this health crisis.

A sticker to thank the white coats

With the communication agency Tigre Blanc, based in Douai, the Ethap printing house created in April a sticker to thank the white blouses. The agency proposed six visuals for which people then voted on the printer's Facebook page.

The sticker with the highest number of votes was then printed and made available free of charge. By mid-May the printer had already produced more than 1000 copies of the sticker.

No shutdown of the Ethap printing plant during containment

The Ethap group (Employment of disabled workers in sheltered workshops) has as its main mission to find work for people weakened by a physical disability, most often as a result of an accident in life. The company, created in 1988, groups together the activities of printing, routing, green spaces, recycling and building.

With a very small team and the implementation of barrier gestures, the Ethap printing plant did not close during the containment period. Ethap is, among other things, the official reprographer of the CHU of Lille and therefore takes care of the printing of all kinds of administrative documents, prescriptions, management documents, blood transfusion envelopes, etc. More generally, the printing company is linked to several hospitals in the region. With the Covid-19 crisis, the printing plant had to make logistical changes to maintain its activity in good conditions.

"?Les hospital executives can place orders night and day. Usually we have a driver who will deliver the documents directly to the departments. However, in order to comply with protection measures, we had to find a logistical delivery point from which the mail was then distributed to the various departments, which made it particularly difficult to track orders until they were received.?»

The RHC's tender for the printing of its documents was renewed last year for a period of 3 years.

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