Publication of the 3R decree for packaging, what are the objectives?

This decree linked to the law on anti-waste for a circular economy (Agec) sets numerical targets for the coming years in the reduction, reuse and recycling of plastic packaging.

Towards the end of single-use plastic packaging

The "3R" (reduce, reuse, recycle) decree for packaging was published in the official journal on April 30, 2021. This decree, linked to the Anti-waste law for a circular economy (Agec), does not bring any prohibition, but gives the plastic sector quantified targets for the coming years. It is therefore initially a purely incentive-based system. The goal is to move away from single-use plastic packaging by 2040.

100% recycling of plastics by 2025

The 3R decree sets targets for reducing production and increasing recycling. Thus, the production of single-use plastic packaging must be reduced by 20% by 2025. This target is calculated from the tonnage of plastic incorporated in single-use packaging placed on the market, compared to the reference year 2018.

There are several ways to do this, including the reuse of packaging and the use of other materials as an alternative to plastics. For example, we note the research developed by manufacturers on paper bottles.

Another objective set by the decree is the end of "unnecessary" plastic packaging by 2025. The following are defined as unnecessary packaging "not having an essential technical function, such as protection, health and product integrity, transportation, or regulatory information support .

Finally, recycling is also a central point of the decree, which aims at recycling 100% of plastics by 2025. This includes the obligation to put recyclable materials on the market.

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