Fortune Ketchup, Burger King's tasty idea for the new year

"You're going to doughnut in happiness"! To celebrate the new year in a good mood, Burger King and Saatchi & Saatchi France have come up with a very original ketchup packaging.

what kind of sauce are we going to be eaten this year? To answer this annual question, the fast food chain Burger King and the creative agency Saatchi & Saatchi France have concocted a humorous idea: Fortune Ketchup.

Fortune Ketchup is based on the concept of fortune cookies, which contain a prediction written on a small strip of paper. Transposed to the world of burgers, the fortune cookie becomes a bag of ketchup.

And Saatchi & Saatchi France has not lacked inspiration for its 2022 predictions: "Y'a pas de raison de se crispy", "Tu vas beignet dans le bonheur" or "Vu d'ici spicy mal" and other puns will be to discover. Predictions "100% reliable" ensures the agencyeuros!

Vouchers for products will also be slipped into these very special condiment packages.

400euros000 Fortune Ketchup are to be opened in the Hexagon from Friday, January 7, 2022.

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