No bonus-malus on short contracts in the print shop

Uniic and nine other professional organisations had joined forces by filing an action for annulment of the scheme.

There will be no bonus-malus on short contracts in the print shop. The Council of State has cancelled the system introduced by the decree of 26 July 2019 to combat short contracts and job insecurity. This mechanism provided for a variation in social security contributions of between 3% and 5% of the wage bill, compared with a single rate of 4.05% today. It was to apply to seven sectors, considered to be major consumers of short contracts.

Uniic and nine other professional organisations had joined forces by filing an action for annulment denouncing a reform "?injuste and against productive?". In a joint press release published on 26 November 2020 following the cancellation of the scheme, they explain their position:

" ?Le decree was aimed at all breaches of employment contracts giving rise to registration with Pôle Emploi, including permanent contracts, through an opaque and discriminatory mechanism. For no objective reason, the system stigmatized 7 sectors of activity, called into question sustainable employability and led to the opposite effect in a particularly tense economic context, prey to strong international competition and despite the implementation of massive investments in training to adapt to technological, economic and ecological transitions.?»

The ten professional organisations, which represent, among others, the food and transport industries, therefore welcomed the cancellation while affirming their willingness to fight against job insecurity.

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