Confidential / Ready for another Printing Awards Night?

As soon as the conditions are right, a new Printing Awards Night will be organized.

Professional events and trade fairs are being cancelled month after month... And Serge Morell can't wait! The truculent organizer of events for the graphic industries, who had hung up his apron, is caught up by his passion for communication.

"I keep getting calls from printers asking when I'll be back on the job! There is a real demand, a vital need, confides Serge Morell. They want to get together, exchange... It's been a long time now since there have been trade shows or other events to meet."

The last Night of the printing trophies which took place in 2015 in Paris, brought together 400 people for a gala evening and awards ceremony in a pleasantly festive atmosphere, with the singer Julie Pietri as guest of honor.

"Trophy Night is a project that is very close to my heart. Now, we don't have enough information yet to set a specific date, but it will be organized as soon as possible, he assures . It is my pleasure and desire to do it again."

The concept of dinner show could be revised, but for sure without losing the inimitable style of its protagonist.

And if sanitary measures allow it, Serge Morell will once again offer his monthly printers' lunches, which used to bring together about twenty professionals.

How about you? Are you ready to (re)come for a Trophy Night?

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