In a Word / Graphic Arts Industry News - April 30, 2021

MPO raises 6 million euros, Cape Town library destroyed, fire near a printing plant in the Pays de la Loire, Apple's packaging in a photo series, new rule for yellow garbage cans in Les Pays de la Loire The small news of the week.

MPO raises ?6 million for vinyl and packaging

Based in Mayenne, France, MPO produces and distributes vinyl, CDs, DVDs and packaging. On April 16, it announced that it had raised six million euros from its shareholders to accelerate its transformation around its vinyl and luxury packaging activities, reports Ouest France . Indeed, vinyl has been making a spectacular comeback for several years.

In South Africa, the Cape Town library ravaged by fire

It was one of the richest libraries in Africa, the South African press is alarmed. The Cape Town library was destroyed by fire on Sunday 18 April. It contained more than 85,000 books, films, documents on South Africa's pre-colonial history and government archives.

Fire near a printing plant in the Pays de la Loire

In Chasnais in the Pays de la Loire region, a fire broke out on Wednesday 28 April near a 10,000 m2 building housing a printing plant, reports Ouest France . The fire, which was quickly brought under control, is believed to have started in a paper compactor.

A photographer dedicates a gallery to Apple's packaging

The Apple brand fascinates even in its packaging. The photographer Johann Clausen has immortalized the packaging of AirPods and AirPods Max in a series of pictures published on his website.

In the Puy-de-Dôme, all packaging in the yellow garbage can

The sorting instructions are simplified in the Puy-de-Dôme. From now on, all packaging (metal, plastic, cardboard, tubes, bottles, coffee pods, polystyrene) can be put in the yellow garbage can. The objective is to reduce the share of packaging in the grey garbage can by 10%, explains France Bleu Pays d'Auvergne.

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