Know-how / XO Inessens, the eco-designed cognac label from the printer Inessens

From the paper to the bottle and the ink, everything has been carefully chosen by Inessens to limit the environmental impact of the bottle and its label.

Montreal-based printer Inessens manufactures labels for a variety of sectors, while devoting a large part of its business to developing solutions. The group, which includes nine printing sites, has notably created a label - face, counter and flag collar - focused on sustainable development. Inessens presents us this high-end and sustainable cognac label.

"The XO Inessens illustrates our commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Each component of the packaging has been carefully chosen, in a sharing with our partners, on this same will to accompany our customers of sustainable innovations."

The label is made of a French paper, developed specifically for Inessens, velvety white with a textured appearance, composed entirely of recycled fibers and a washable glue that facilitates the recycling of glass bottles.

For the inks, Inessens also collaborated with a manufacturer: "We source the pigments and he creates the inks for us custom." These inks are based on natural pigments: Madras red and vine black.

Madras red is derived from the natural ore from madras in india. It has been used both for clothing dyeing and has been used for centuries in the coloring of buildings. Close to terracotta, this color is dense and warm.

The pigment vine black (or vine shoot black) was considered by many artists to be the most beautiful of all blacks. Its name comes from the burnt vine shoots. The finer it is ground, the more radiant it becomes. Today, this pigment is extracted from coal mines and gives a dark grey tone.

"We also brought texture with fine line treading to add value to the product." As for the gilding, it is a Lumafin gilding from Kurz without metallization, which does not disturb the recycling.

Inessens has also taken special care in the choice of the container. The glass bottle comes from the French manufacturer SaverGlass, the Mixologist bottle is lightened in material. And the Amorim stopper is a wood-headed stopper.

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