PrintSphere Disaster Recovery, Agfa's solution for securing newspaper print data

This module automatically stores all incoming publication files in Agfa's secure cloud.

Agfa continues its Drupa 2020 launches with the presentation of the Disaster Recovery module of the PrintSphere service. Disaster Recovery, which works with workflow Arkitex The new system provides a secure back-up to ensure that newspaper printers can print editions under any circumstances.

In the event of a disaster or breakdown, the printer can easily and quickly access the stored data and resume printing, explains the Belgian brand. The solution, which complements Agfa's cloud data exchange service PrintSpere, also addresses the problems associated with FTP transfer, such as transfer speed, and provides a more secure and reliable platform.

With PrintSphere Disaster Recovery, "absolute safety and peace of mind"..

"Cloud-based solutions are ideal for printers of all sizes because they reduce investment and IT costs, explains Rainer Kirschke, head of newspapers at Agfa. We can offer our cloud customers absolute security and peace of mind with mirrored data centers with 24/7 monitoring."

WebPrint, Ireland's largest independent newspaper printer, recently replaced its FTP servers with Agfa's PrintSphere and its PrintSphere Disaster Recovery module.
Barry Noonam, head of production, says: "With PrintSphere, we now have a simple, efficient, secure and fully automated file reception system. And thanks to the Disaster Recovery option, we now have a backup at all times and can print at another location if necessary. We don't need to do any maintenance on the system; the solution simply runs fully automated in the background."

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